Bracelet#1, Shirt: H&M | Bracelet #2: Six | Necklace, Shoes: Primark | Shorts: Glamorousuk
Denim Shorts is one of the items I use the most in clothes, I like it because it’s kinda sexy and I’m able to mix it to any shirt. One item of women’s clothing that never goes out of style are denim (shorts, jeans and jackets).
I decided to wear that day a frayed denim shorts from Glamorousuk, Primark ballerinas and an oversized top from H&M. Of course I did not forget the accessories ;-) I wore a Gina Tricot hat and two bracelets. One of them is from SIX and the other one is from H&M.
I should have known that one day, all you said would turn out to mean nothing anymore.