Werbung/Anzeige in bezahlter Partnerschaft mit NA-KD
Hi Guys! Long time no see here on my Blog. But that has a reason: In the last couple of months I worked on a big project together with NA-KD. I still have to pinch my self whether I’m dreaming or not… but I’m not! My first collection launched 3 days ago on 15th January.

The whole collection is 100% me. As you may know, I’m petite so the biggest challenge was to design something for everybody – tall and petite girls. Besides, it was super important for me that my collection is for everyone. I added some basics but also some fancy items like the leather or T-Shirt dress.

Have you already seen the Youtube video with NA-KD? I give you some times how everyone can have the ,,perfect Instagram feed”. It’s all about the perfect location, perfect angle and so on. Don’t mind my english, haha. I don’t talk really often to a camera not in my mothers language. Anyway, feel free to check it out ;-)